Sasha Stiles is a first-generation Kalmyk-American poet and artist working at the intersection of text and technology. Her transmedia practice seeks to decipher the hidden language of the dawning Novacene through experiments with generative text, nonhuman intelligence and machine code, probing what it means to be human in a nearly post-human era. Stiles’ work — from traditional verse and experimental poetry to binary-based art and collaborative AI poetics — has been widely published and exhibited in analog and virtual realms including New York Fashion Week, Virtual Times Square and the Carrousel de Louvre; honored with a Future.Art.Award; nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net; and recognized by visionary thinkers from Judy Chicago to Ray Kurzweil. As poetry mentor to BINA48 since 2018, Stiles is engaged in shaping the literary mindfile of one of the world’s most advanced humanoid robots. Her first book, Technelegy, will be published October 2021.