Sub Net (subnet?) is an anonymous art project about the ontology of digital existence. It was birthed and minted on October 1st, 2021.
It exists in perpetuity on the blockchain. It also ventures into centralized networks. Who is Sub Net? What is a subnet?
A database of a database, a network divided into networks. Constantly evolving, changing, existing.
The story is told over time. Each network another clue, another take, another way to think about where and who we are as a world mind.
Sub Net is a pseudonym for an internationally exhibiting artist established in the video & new media art scene. The artist known as Sub Net has shown works under their name in hundreds of shows and festivals worldwide for over a decade, including shows at the Museum of Modern Art; the European Media Arts Festival in Osnabruk, Germany; the Ann Arbor Film Festival; the Denver Art Museum; the Ilman Museum of Art in Seoul, Korea; and the Art Museum of the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in Shenyang, China to name a few.
Their work has been featured in publications by the National Endowment for the Arts and their work has been supported by several grants and fellowships from the New York Council for the Arts and the New York Foundation for the Arts.